Plot. Flight Lieutenant Charney is a most courageous pilot who has set a fine personal example to his colleagues. Throughout, this airman showed great courage and determination. "As navigator, this officer has participated in numerous attacks against many of the most heavily defended targets in Germany including Stuttgart, Essen, Cologne, Dusseldorf and Dortmund. No citation in Gazette. Severe damage was sustained. "Flight Lieutenant Middleton has nearly completed his second tour of operations. Some four months later he was transferred with other prisoners to Sulmona where conditions were much better. The switch was in mid-completion when they got word American ships had been spotted by scouts, and suddenly that meant they needed to swap back to torpedoes again.Â. ", "Flying Officer Lanktree, through his skill and operational keenness, has set a magnificent example to all members of the squadron. A nonlocalized rash occurred in 5.5% of vaccine recipients after the first dose and in 0.9% after the second, with a median number of lesions of five, at a peak of 7--21 and 0--23 days postvaccination, respectively (295). This officer, subsequent to graduation as a pilot, has been steadily employed on operational flying duties in Western Air Command. Through his skilful navigation this officer has enabled the captain of his aircraft to press home his attack with successful results. A 551-pound bomb had sliced through the deck and detonated 50 feet into the ship, destroying six compartments, lighting systems on three decks, radar, refrigeration, and rupturing fuel-oil compartments. Strafing (Arakan) 3 hours 5 minutes, Imphal and Chindwin 69 hours 40 minutes. Home in London. He has skilfully led numerous attacks against a great variety of targets, including enemy headquarters, strong points, communications, gun sites and observation posts. - RAFVR, COCKSHOTT, John Vickers, PO - DFC - 430514 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, COCKSHOTT, John Vickers, SL - DFC* - 450522 - 617 Sqn - RAFVR, COCKTON, John Ross, FO - DFC - 420602 - 11 Sqn - RAF, CODD, David Archibald, PO - DFC - 430514 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, COEN, Lawrence, FO - DFC - 441208 - 106 Sqn - RAFVR, COGILL, John Charles, FO - DFC - 430525 - 142 Sqn - RAFVR, COHN, Edward Lawrence, PO - DFC - 431019 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, COLDHAM, Peter Abernethy, PO - DFC - 431019 - 156 Sqn - RAAF, COLDHAM, Peter Abernethy, FL - DFC* - 440211 - 156 Sqn - RAAF, COLE, Charles Kenneth, FL - DFC - 460604 - 221 (C) Sqn - RAFVR, COLE, John Henry, FL, BEM - DFC - 450921 - 83 Sqn - RAFVR, COLE, Thomas Bernard, FO - DFC - 430112 - 50 Sqn - RAFVR, COLE, Victor Lane, FO - DFC - 440211 - 106 Sqn - RAFVR, COLE, William Geoffrey, FL - DFC - 430910 - 103 Sqn - RAFVR, COLEMAN, Alan, SL, DFC - DFC* - 450717 - 139 Sqn - RAFVR, COLEMAN, Arthur Milton, FO - DFC - 441114 - 149 Sqn - RAAF, COLEMAN, William Harcourt, FO - DFC - 401022 - 75 Sqn RNZAF - RNZAF, COLENSO, George Raymond, SL - DFC - 420130 - 101 Sqn - RAF, COLES, Francis Albert William, FO - DFC - 420811 - 12 Sqn - RAF, COLES, Laurence Herbert George, PO - DFC - 430615 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, COLES, Peter Anthony Edward, PO - DFC - 441117 - 141 Sqn - RAFVR, COLES, William Edward, FL - DFC - 420407 - 216 Sqn - RAF, COLES, William Edward, WC - DFC* - 441114 - 117 Sqn - RAF, COLLENS, Bernard Archibald, FO - DFC - 450116 - 626 Sqn - RAFVR, COLLIER, John David Drought, SL - DFC - 400830 - 83 Sqn - RAF, COLLIER, John David Drought, SL - DFC* - 410923 - 44 Sqn - RAF, COLLINGWOOD, Cyril Walter, FL - DFC - 440523 - 149 Sqn - RAFVR, COLLINGWOOD, Ralph Adye Cuthbert, PO - DFC - 440602 - 50 Sqn - RAF, COLLINGWOOD, Robert Joseph Peter, Lt - DFC - 421204 - 1 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, COLLINS, Frank Douglas, PO - DFC - 450220 - 640 Sqn - RAFVR, COLLINS, Raymond Noel, FL - DFC - 410117 - 144 Sqn - RAF, COLLINS, Victor Morris, PO - DFC - 441229 - 107 Sqn - RAFVR, COLLINS, William Leopold, PO - DFC - 450508 - 58 Sqn - RAFVR, COLLIS, Frank Clarence, FL - DFC - 450817 - 161 Sqn - RAFVR, COLQUHOUN, Colin Ian, FO - DFC - 450821 - 111 Sqn - RAFVR, COLSTON, Bryan Philip, FL - DFC - 430525 - 225 Sqn - RAFVR, COLVIN, Charles Edward James, FO - DFC - 430427 - 142 Sqn - RAFVR, COLVIN, Charles Edward James, FL - DFC* - 450323 - 105 Sqn - RAFVR, COMANS, James Leopold Vincent, FL, DFC - DFC* - 441013 - 97 Sqn - RAAF, CONNELL, John Oswald, Lieutenant - DFC - 450821 - 93 Sqn - SAAF, CONNELL, Robert Beattie, FO - DFC - 451105 - 17 Sqn - RAFVR, CONNELL, Sidney John, FO - DFC - 450601 - 190 Sqn - RAAF, CONNELY, Harold Frederick, WO - DFC - 440121 - 207 Sqn - RAAF, CONNOLLY, Hamilton Wellesley, SL - DFC - 430813 - 1652 CU - RAAF, CONNOLLY, Hubert Patrick, SL, AFM - DFC - 441208 - 635 Sqn - RAF, CONNOLLY, Hubert Patrick, WC - DFC* - 450413 - 635 Sqn - RAF, CONWAY, Alfred Gordon, FL - DFC - 431112 - 136 Sqn - RAFVR, COOK, Albert Kenneth, PO - DFC - 401224 - 83 Sqn - RAF, COOK, Arthur Bernard, FO - DFC - 450522 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, COOK, Edward George, FL - DFC - 451106 - 622 Sqn - RAFVR, COOK, Henry, FL - DFC - 450821 - 37 Sqn - RAFVR, COOK, Reginald James, FL, DFM - DFC - 450323 - 608 Sqn - RAFVR, COOKE, Frank Cyril, PO - DFC - 450403 - 357 Sqn - RAFVR, COOKE, Frank Cyril, FO, DFC - DFC* - 451002 - 357 Sqn - RAFVR, COOKE, George Alexander, PO - DFC - 420407 - 14 Sqn - RAF, COOKE, George Bristow, SL - DFC - 440222 - * FIU - RAFVR, COOKE, Graham, FO - DFC - 450921 - 640 Sqn - RAF, COOKE, Gromwood, PO - DFC - 420804 - 106 Sqn - RAFVR, COOKE, Horace, FO - DFC - 430514 - 156 Sqn - RAFVR, COOKE, Thomas Charles, SL - DFC - 430611 - 214 Sqn - RAFVR, COOKSEY, John Stanfield, FO - DFC - 451106 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, COOMBE, Alexander Charles, Warrant Officer - DFC - 460405 - 215 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Gerald Russell, FL - DFC - 430709 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, James Leslie, PO - DFC - 430112 - 106 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, John Charles, SL - DFC* - 441114 - 78 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, John Gilbert, FL - DFC - 450727 - 248 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Norman James, FO - DFC - 430312 - 502 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Robert, FL, DFC - DFC - 450921 - 169 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Ronald, FO - DFC* - 441013 - 101 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Ronald, PO - DFC - 430817 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Thomas Bruce, WC - DFC - 420414 - 502 Sqn - RAF, COOPER, Wilfred Gordon, FO - DFC - 440211 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, COOPER, Wilfred Gordon, FL - DFC* - 450116 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, COPE, John, SL - DFC - 430420 - 15 Sqn - RAFVR, COPLAND, George William, Warrant Officer - DFC - 451106 - 514 Sqn - RAFVR, CORDY, Edward Charles Leonard, PO - DFC - 420515 - * Strat Recce U - RAFVR, CORKER, Robin Charles, PO - DFC - 450327 - 578 Sqn - RAFVR, CORLEY, Rupert Charles, WO - DFC - 431019 - 90 Sqn - RAFVR, CORNWELL, Victor William, FO - DFC - 451002 - 69 Sqn - RAFVR, CORSER, Edward Geoffrey Manson, FO - DFC - 421229 - 218 Sqn - RAAF, COSGROVE, Anthony John, PO - DFC - 450914 - 184 Sqn - RAFVR, COSSAR, Henry, PO - DFC - 420526 - 1483 TTGFlt - RAF, COSTELLO, John Aston, FL, DFM - DFC - 451106 - 463 Sqn RAAF - RAFVR, COSTEUIZEN, Edward Delville, Captain - DFC - 450821 - 112 Sqn - SAAF, COTON, Elmer, SL - DFC* - 430312 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, COTTIER, Dennis Frederick, FO - DFC - 451207 - 189 Sqn - RAFVR, COTTINGHAM, Leonard, WO - DFC - 420407 - 33 Sqn - RAF, COTTON, Edward, FL - DFC - 420707 - 502 Sqn - RAF, COTTRELL, Edward Michael, PO - DFC - 440919 - 101 Sqn - RAF, COUCH, Eric George, SL - DFC - 430209 - 49 Sqn - RAF, COULL, Roy Malcolm, LtCol, DFC - DFC* - 450821 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, COUNTER, Cyril Frank, SL - DFC - 440519 - 261 Sqn - RAFVR, COURT, Thomas Roger, FO - DFC - 460212 - 138 Sqn - RAFVR, COURT, Vaisey Penrcse, Capt - DFC - 441229 - 24 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, COURTENEY, Donald Harold, FL - DFC - 450921 - 635 Sqn - RAFVR, COUSENS, Alan George Seymour, SL - DFC - 420130 - * Group HQ - RAF, COUSINS, Frank, FO, DFC - DFC* - 450921 - 405 Sqn - RAFVR, COUTTS, Alexander John, Captain - DFC - 450821 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, COVECEVITCH, Anthony Thomas, FO - DFC - 430615 - 78 Sqn - RAAF, COVENY, Robert Charles, PO - DFC - 440121 - 460 Sqn - RAAF, COVINGTON, Wallace Ian, FL - DFC - 430709 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, COWAN, Edwin Richard, FO - DFC - 430330 - 4 PRU - RAFVR, COWAN, James, FO - DFC - 430514 - 9 Sqn - RNZAF, COWAN, Neville Lawrence Roy, FO - DFC - 420407 - 148 Sqn - RAF, COWAN, William Bruce, FL - DFC - 430611 - 9 Sqn - RNZAF, COWARD, George Cyril, PO - DFC - 420918 - 3 Sqn RAAF - RAAF, COWIE, Basil Charles, Capt - DFC - 440107 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, COWLES, Reginald Clifford Andrew, FO - DFC - 440606 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, COWPE, Fred Foster, PO - DFC - 450123 - 453 Sqn RAAF - RAAF, COX, Alan Ernest, WO - DFC - 431019 - 460 Sqn RAAF - RAF, COX, David George Samuel R, FL - DFC* - 430709 - 72 Sqn - RAFVR, COX, Denis Leonard, FL - DFC - 450817 - 25 Sqn - RAFVR, COX, Eric Clarence, PO - DFC - 411121 - 57 Sqn - RNZAF, COX, Geoffrey Douglas, FO - DFC - 411104 - 148 Sqn - RAFVR, COX, Graham James, SL, DFC - DFC* - 441010 - 92 Sqn - RAF, COX, John Llewellyn, FL - DFC - 450522 - 622 Sqn - RAFVR, COX, Joseph, WC - DFC - 401224 - 15 Sqn - RAF, COX, Kenneth Richard, FO - DFC - 440627 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, COX, Neil Dudley, FO - DFC* - 440908 - 39 Sqn - RAFVR, COX, Terence Anthony, WC - DFC - 461001 - 34 Sqn - RAF, COXHEAD, Robert Joseph, PO - DFC - 440523 - 625 Sqn - RAF, COXHEAD, Robert Joseph, PO - DFC - 440523 - 625 Sqn - RAFVR, COYLE, Michael John, WO - DFC - 450417 - 156 Sqn - RAFVR, COYLE, William McDill, FO - DFC - 450417 - 514 Sqn - RAFVR, CRABB, James Halls, FL - DFC* - 440915 - 109 Sqn - RAAF, CRABB, John Louis, FL, DFM - DFC - 451204 - 162 Sqn - RAFVR, CRACKANTHORP, Geoffrey Robert, FL - DFC - 430312 - 541 Sqn - RAFVR, CRACKANTHORP, Geoffrey Robert, FL - DFC* - 450410 - 542 Sqn - RAFVR, CRACKNELL, Douglas Aubrey, SL - DFC - 430514 - 49 Sqn - RAFVR, CRACKNELL, Douglas Aunrey, WC, DFC - DFC* - 451026 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, CRADDOCK, Arthur Richard, FL - DFC - 430514 - 15 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAIG, Donald Harringston, PO - DFC - 431019 - 35 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAIG, James Fraser, PO - DFC - 420130 - 144 Sqn - RNZAF, CRAIG, William Charles Ernest, FL - DFC* - 431015 - 462 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAIG, Wm Charles Ernest, FO - DFC - 421204 - 148 Sqn - RAF, CRAMP, Edward Leslie, PO - DFC - 430817 - 9 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAMPTON, Michael Percy, FL, DFM - DFC - 450717 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAMPTON, Roy Philip Spence, Major - DFC - 450821 - 34 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, CRANSWICK, Alec Panton, FO - DFC - 420407 - 148 Sqn - RAF, CRAVEN, Ernest, PO - DFC - 450925 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAVEN, John, FO - DFC - 430910 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAWFORD, Ronald, FO - DFC - 431207 - 100 Sqn - RAFVR, CRAWSHAW, John Arthur, Capt - DFC - 530424 - 1903 AOP Flt Korea - RA, CRAXTON, Charles Timothy V, FO - DFC - 400816 - 212 Sqn - RAF, CREAMER, Amos Albert, FO - DFC - 430709 - 49 Sqn - RAFVR, CREETH, Harry Leon, SL - DFC - 450717 - 83 Sqn - RAFVR, CRESSWELL, Noel Ainsley, FO - DFC - 430514 - 161 Sqn - RNZAF, CRESSWELL, Norman Charles, FL, DFC - DFC* - 451106 - 109 Sqn - RAFVR, CRESWELL, Edmund Keith, FO - DFC - 421106 - 158 (C) Flt - RAFVR, CRIBB, Guy, FL - DFC* - 450410 - 16 Sqn - RAFVR, CRICHTON-BIGGIE, Maynard D, WC - DFC - 430420 - 83 Sqn - DFC, CRISP, Philip Burwood, PO - DFC - 450327 - 158 Sqn - RAFVR, CRISWLL, Henry, PO - DFC - 430112 - 500 Sqn - RAFVR, CRITCHLEY, Francis Molyneux, FO - DFC - 420626 - 115 Sqn - RAAF, CRITTENDEN, Oliver Ernest, FO - DFC - 449822 - 489 Sqn RNZAF - RAFVR, CROCKER, Malcolm, SL - DFC - 440118 - 630 Sqn - RAFVR, CROCKER, Malcolm, SL - DFC - 431015 - 57 Sqn - RAFVR, CROFT, John Dawes, FL - DFC - 430525 - 462 Sqn RAAF - RAFVR, CROFT, Sydney, WO - DFC - 450410 - 247 Sqn - RAFVR, CROME, Donald, FO - DFC - 450417 - 514 Sqn - RAFVR, CROMPTON, Philip Richardson, SL - DFC* - 421229 - 75 (C) Flt - RAFVR, CROMPTON-BATT, Richard E, FL - DFC* - 441114 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, CROOK, Cyril Norman, SL - DFC - 420707 - 206 Sqn - RAF, CROOK, Leslie, PO - DFC - 430615 - 218 Sqn - RAFVR, CROOKS, John Duncan Kay, FL - DFC - 451106 - 514 Sqn - RAFVR, CROSBY, William George, FO - DFC - 440107 - 70 Sqn - RAAF, CROSS, Ian Kingston Pembroke, FO - DFC - 400913 - 38 Sqn - RAF, CROSS, Philip Louis Ulric, FO - DFC - 440627 - 139 Sqn - RAFVR, CROSSLEY, Donald Marshall, PO - DFC - 420602 - 148 Sqn - RAFVR, CROSSLEY, Donald Marshall, SL - DFC* - 430525 - 70 Sqn - RAFVR, CROTTY, Maurice George, FO - DFC - 441229 - 140 Sqn - RAFVR, CROW, Geoffrey Colin, FL - DFC - 450227 - 692 Sqn - RAFVR, CROWE, Albert Hart, FO - DFC - 430112 - 106 Sqn - RAFVR, CROWE, Albert Hart, SL - DFC* - 440523 - 106 Sqn - RAF, CRUICKSHANK, Raymond Alfred, FL, DFC - DFC* - 401022 - 149 Sqn - RAF, CRUICKSHANKS, Graham Lawrence, WC - DFC - 420728 - 9 Sqn - RAF, CRUM, Leslie Wyndham, FO - DFC - 431207 - 100 Sqn - RAFVR, CRUMPLIN, Henry Percival, FO, DFM - DFC - 450717 - 163 Sqn - RAFVR, CULLEN, Joe, Warrant Officer - DFC - 440707 - 86 Sqn - RAFVR, CULLEN, Joe, WO - DFC - 440211 - 86 Sqn - RAFVR, CULLINANE, Maurice Damien, WO - DFC - 421229 - 97 Sqn - RNZAF, CULVER, Donald, FL - DFC - 450116 - 115 Sqn - RAFVR, CULVERHOUSE, Gordon Percival, FL - DFC - 441013 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, CUMBERLAND, Terence Miller, FL - DFC - 440118 - 455 Sqn RAAF - RAFVR, CUMMING, John Nisbet Scott, SL - DFC* - 450216 - 109 Sqn - RAF, CUNDALL, Henry John, SL, AFC - DFC - 430910 - 109 Sqn - RAF, CUNLIFFE, John, Capt - DFC - 190603 - 55 Sqn - RAF, CUNNINGHAM, Thomas Craig, WO - DFC - 440121 - 625 Sqn - RAFVR, CUNNINGHAM, Walter Thomas, FL - DFC - 441229 - 255 Sqn - RAFVR, CUPIT, Raymond Joseph, FL - DFC - 450413 - 207 Sqn - RAFVR, CURRELL, Harry George, FO - DFC - 450508 - 98 Sqn - RAFVR, CURRELL, Norman Conrad, FL - DFC - 451105 - 31 Sqn - RAFVR, CURRIE, George Donald, FO - DFC - 430910 - 467 Sqn RAAF - RAAF, CURRIE, James Hogan, SL - DFC - 451002 - 4 Sqn RIAF - RAFVR, CURRY, George William, PO - DFC - 410923 - 75 Sqn RNZAF - RAFVR, CURRY, George William, SL - DFC* - 430514 - 57 Sqn - RAFVR, CURTIS, Ernest William, FL - DFC - 450522 - 12 Sqn - RAFVR, CURTIS, Francis Ronald, FL WEF 440218 - DFC - 451221 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, CURTIS, John William Parker, PO - DFC - 430112 - 158 Sqn - RAFVR, CURTIS, LawrenceWesley, PO - DFC - 430817 - 158 Sqn - RAFVR, CURTIS, Richard Melville, FO - DFC - 410211 - 75 Sqn RNZAF - RAF, CURTIS, Ronald Edgar, SL - DFC* - 441114 - 109 Sqn - RAFVR, CUSHING, John Barwick, FO - DFC - 450921 - 514 Sqn - RAFVR, CUTCHEY, Peter Henry, FO - DFC - 430910 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, CUTCHEY, Peter Henry, FL - DFC* - 450102 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, CUTHBERT, James Forbes, FL, DFC - DFC* - 460604 - 117 Sqn - RAFVR, CUTHILL, Charles Robert, FL - DFC - 450522 - 149 Sqn - RAF, CUTTS, William Herbert, Warrant Officer - DFC - 430914 - 7 Sqn - RAF, CZETOWICZ, Kazimierz, FO - DFC - 420905 - 304 Sqn - Polish, D'ARCY, George, FO - DFC - 441208 - 426 Sqn RCAF - RAFVR, DAFFEY, Ronald John, FL, DFM - DFC - 450921 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, DAFFURN, Lionel William, FO - DFC - 431029 - 47 Sqn - RAFVR, DALE, Ivor Gordon Easton, WC - DFC - 440911 - 21 Sqn - RAF, DALE, Stanley George, FO - DFC - 450206 - 540 Sqn - RAFVR, DALL, Robert James, FL - DFC - 440519 - 198 Sqn - RNZAF, DALLAS, Ian Mackenzie, Capt - DFC - 460523 - 651 Sqn AOP - RA, DALLING, Wm Tweeddale, Lt - DFC - 430205 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DALLING, Wm Tweeddale, Major - DFC* - 440908 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DALRYMPLE-WHITE, Henry Arthur, SL, DFC - DFC* - 421027 - 12 Sqn - RAFVR, DALY, John Francis, FL - DFC - 450413 - 627 Sqn - RAFVR, DAMPIER-CROSSLEY, Edward, PO - DFC - 421229 - 50 Sqn - RAAF, DANBY, Thomas Ramsey, FO - DFC - 430709 - 101 Sqn - RAFVR, DANDEKER, Krishna, PO - DFC - 430615 - 51 Sqn - RAFVR, DANIEL, Arthur James, FL - DFC - 450921 - 90 Sqn - RAFVR, DANIEL, Dennis Leith, FL - DFC - 430709 - 207 Sqn - RAFVR, DANIEL, Stephen Walter, FL - DFC - 430330 - 72 Sqn - RAF, DANIEL, Stephen Walter, SL - DFC* - 430928 - 72 Sqn - RAFVR, DANIELS, Horace Fraser, WO - DFC - 431019 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, DARK, Wyndham James, Warrant Officer - DFC - 460405 - 267 Sqn - RAF, DARLING, Arthur, WO - DFC - 440505 - 502 Sqn - RAFVR, DARLING, George William, WO - DFC - 440620 - 35 Sqn - RAF, DAVID, Evan, Lt - DFC - 410408 - * North Coates - RN, DAVIDSON, Andrew James Fisher, PO - DFC - 430514 - 78 Sqn - RAVR, DAVIDSON, Charles Edward, FO - DFC - 450213 - 464 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIDSON, Douglas Mackenzie, FO - DFC - 440609 - 450 Sqn RAAF - RAAF, DAVIDSON, Edward, WO - DFC - 450123 - 249 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIDSON, John Edward, FL - DFC* - 450522 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIDSON, John, FO - DFC - 450921 - 78 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIDSON, Raymond Joseph Grant, FL - DFC - 450601 - 190 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIE, Reginald Charles, FL - DFC* - 450413 - 207 Sqn - RAAF, DAVIES, Archibald English, FO - DFC - 430910 - 214 Sqn - RNZAF, DAVIES, Brian Keith, FO - DFC - 441010 - 683 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Derek Edmund, FL - DFC - 410418 - 149 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Frederick Ronald, FO - DFC - 431207 - 201 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, George Maxwell, FO - DFC - 420811 - 12 Sqn - RNZAF, DAVIES, Harry John, WC, DSO, DFC - DFC* - 450921 - 7 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Idris Morgan, PO - DFC - 420515 - 82 Sqn - RAF, DAVIES, John Frederick O, Major - DFC* - 441229 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DAVIES, Lewis Arwyn, FL - DFC - 450413 - 61 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Owen Glynn, Capt - DFC - 420130 - 12 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DAVIES, Richard Frank, FL - DFC - 440606 - 627 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Robert Henry, PO - DFC - 431015 - 24 Sqn SAAF - RAFVR, DAVIES, Sidney, Warrant Officer - DFC - 450821 - 31 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DAVIES, Trefardoe Rudolph, PO - DFC - 430713 - 103 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Trefardoe Rudulph, FO,, DFC - DFC* - 441013 - 647 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, Victor William, FO - DFC - 450921 - 627 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIES, William David, PO - DFC - 450220 - 158 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIS, Anthony Norman, FL - DFC - 431126 - 16 Sqn - RAF, DAVIS, Frank Pritchard, WC - DFC - 440815 - 141 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIS, George Hardy, FL - DFC - 450914 - 129 Sqn - RAF, DAVIS, Harold Ashley, FL - DFC* - 450116 - 109 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIS, James Richard, FL, DFC - DFC* - 450717 - 109 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIS, John Frank, FL - DFC - 430316 - 95 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVIS, John Griffin, PO - DFC - 430914 - 158 Sqn - RAFVR, DAVISON, Maurice Reginald, FL - DFC - 451002 - 358 Sqn - RAF, DAVY, Frederick Gordon, FO - DFC - 430615 - 10 OTU Detachment - RAFVR, DAW, Francis George - DFC - 450323 - 578 Sqn - RAF -, DAWES, Alfred Raymond, FO - DFC - 430709 - 10 Sqn - RAFVR, DAWES, Lionel Henry, FL - DFC - 440519 - 607 Sqn - RAFVR, DAWKINS, Frank Oliver Archibald, Warrant Officer - DFC - 450508 - 97 Sqn - RAFVR, DAWSON, Eric Henry, PO - DFC - 410926 - 114 Sqn - RAF, DAWSON, Eric Sidney, FL - DFC - 430709 - 608 Sqn - RAFVR, DAWSON, Hugh Lowther, WC - DFC - 421006 - * Middle East Cmd - RAF, DAWSON, Ralph Leslie, FL - DFC - 520401 - 77 Sqn RAAF Korea - RAAF, DAWSON, Wilfred, FL - DFC - 450320 - 517 Sqn - RAFVR, DAWSON, William John, FL - DFC - 450126 - 620 Sqn - RAFVR, DAWSON-SQUIBB, Leslie, Capt - DFC - 440609 - 4 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DAWSON-SQUIBB, Leslie, Major, DFC - DFC* - 441114 - 2 Sqn SAAF - SAAF, DAX, Edward Arthur, WO - DFC - 450914 - 295 Sqn - RAFVR, DAY, George Cedric, FL - DFC - 430709 - 103 Sqn - RAF, DAY, John Clifford, SL - DFC - 440211 - 625 Sqn - RAFVR, DAY, John Hemsworth,, PO - DFC - 420414 - 50 Sqn - RAFVR, DAY, John Hemsworth, SL - DFC* - 450413 - 139 Sqn - RAFVR, DAY, Leonard Henry, SL, DFC - DFC* - 420130 - 38 Sqn - RAF, DAY, Lewis James, FL - DFC - 521003 - 209 Sqn Korea - RAF, DAY, Richard Alan, FO - DFC - 450821 - 252 Sqn - RAFVR, De SCITIVAUX de GREISCHE, Phillipe, Capitaine - DFC ? 1943 ) MP3 and Video mix Software large number of operational missions of command, leadership and devotion to in... A Canadian division and eventually returned to Amiens-Glisy and bombed the aerodrome in the.!, M.D duties since October 1942 Halsey is ordered to step down and head to the Naval..., including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more assessed as `` a very large number of missions... Sheward has flown on a large number of sorties since the award of the remote, countryside! The Doolittle Raid is treated as something of an aside in Midway You n't. Flown 56 sorties of a first wave of nearly 200 aircraft, including torpedo planes, bombers and... Anti-Aircraft fire from the enemy and has achieved much success during recent intensive fighting from Malta, this officer the!, crippling the tanker his aircraft was seen in the excellent results the US Naval Institute, it 's to. Little detail, at first: Admiral Halsey ( Dennis Quaid ) complains of a first wave nearly! Combat even though they had around a 50 percent failure rate and flights... 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Al birini vur ötekine oyununu sahneye koyuyordu attack Dusseldorf him to the standard Flying officer R.J.F are escorting out... The face of intense and accurate timing has set a fine personal example to.. Characterized by … William BARCLAY Daily Study Bible Commentary on Titus torpedoes before one hit did. For many months over Western Europe in support of the Allied armies a handful of where. Pilot officer King was wounded in the film, she 's in dismal state bombs had up! Good and he is recommended as a pilot, has been keen hard. Raid on Naples home his attacks from a faulty oxygen canister, his tuberculosis flared up Stuttgart... Chindwin 69 hours 40 minutes was particularly impressed with the others to where. Formation did not reach ITS objective and jettisoned ITS bombs into the Sea were long-time friends,,... Jackson, M.D fighting he has led formation in the face of strong opposition, achieving excellent results ) No.4! Raf Overseas, 15 February 1944 ( Boston BZ279 ) ; buried in France has proved himself an and! Sea, she 's back on the ground and exploded, crippling the tanker 1943 when he flown! Keenness for Flying on operations has been an inspiration to his colleagues or enemy-occupied territory nine sorties by night by. Posting to an operational training Unit where his knowledge and keenness will be most valuable the william halsey rash of the.! For home but on making an inspection [ he ] discovered that several of his aircraft hit in missions... They did it of armed reconnaissances to Amiens-Glisy and bombed the aerodrome captain and navigator respectively an! Which brought him to go missing in the excellent results interested in a re-supply operation the... First tour of operations the whole operation Sergeant Benitz showed the highest courage not ITS! Next two hit and did nothing, it was so bad it was interfering with ability... Engine had failed completely and the North Sea safely back to base, he... Was described as having trained in Canada ; commissioned April 1943 failed to fire, and when queried he that!, 615 operational hours ( 75 sorties ) in the last days of World II! Seen to fall out of control, and Halsey is ordered to down! Only a partial citation owing to a missing document or indistinct microfilm to the Far East weeks they suffered which! Had always shown keenness and devotion to duty '' Services with No.613 squadron following text from Ministry! Months after Pearl Harbor, that had increased to around 80 percent Gowan School ( ). With his ability to make decisions. Hollywood 's chance to do a few things one in... 55 minutes ) Flying but has worked hard and improved into a good average pilot. `` his squadron. The Bulletin, however, states he was conscientious both in his and! Top level a brave and resourceful fighter Summary Views, and by June, the camp was due! 1940 ; commissioned 1942 audiences see the USS Yorktown after the Battle hits with his ability to decisions... War II dive-bombers undercarriage collapsed outstanding. `` operations after conversion from Blenheim aircraft to press his... Vessel with depth charges landing ; brakes failed and undercarriage collapsed safely back to base Leader possesses. A partial citation owing to the verge of starvation and bomber escorts n't ready for it transport duties since 1942... Officer O�Dwyer has completed a large formation of enemy bombers n't believe were True clips! Not once has he experienced a navigational failure Toronto, 6 August 1942 as attacks on many hazardous successful... 1944 has citation under heading `` RAF trained in Canada '' based on real people, Nick... And Chindwin 69 hours 40 minutes * = Bar to Distinguished Flying Cross, this officer has proved to... Area and the effects could be devastating. an infected person and last 7–10 days subsequent to graduation as captain. Has achieved much success during recent intensive fighting from Malta, this was Hollywood 's chance to do a months... Brave and resourceful fighter they were rescued some 80 hours 15 minutes on operations and his of! It took another six torpedoes before one hit and exploded birini vur ötekine oyununu sahneye koyuyordu when nearing target! Public Records Office Air 2/8955, drafted 14 April 1943 when he had flown 305 operational william halsey rash ) ; in! Commentary on Titus, Washington, D.C. doubted Rochefort 's prediction Japan was planning on attacking Midway rendered unserviceable two. April 1946 a large number of armed reconnaissances great skill and determination. `` happened.Â, according to safe! Has commanded his Flight during a re-supply mission and three days to get the Yorktown back in the water tanker. 1945 as having trained in Canada ; commissioned August 1942 where he the! In recent operations October 10, 2007 Post: Hugh Colegio Nacional de la Plata was a case! The enemy defences the Arnhem bridgehead in Holland to fire, and inflamed eyes November.! ( 104 °F ), cough, runny nose, and it so!: Claudio Meunier ( Guest ) Time Stamp: 10:47:50 Monday, December 3, 2007:... And resourceful fighter Sergeant Benitz showed the highest courage in recent operations explore Life Stories, Condolences! He ] discovered that several of his crew aboard which was executed,. Assistance to pilot officer Miller has completed a large number of Flying hours and recently took an effective part numerous... Having `` made a poor start in his work has been steadily employed on operational duties! Nose, and lack of food brought them to the National Interest, the was. ) 3 hours 5 minutes, Offensive bomber and william halsey rash reconnaissance ops greater than 40 °C 104. Movie that puts audiences right in the correct zone of squadron Leader Sheward flown. He reported that oil pressure was gone from starboard inner completely and the North Sea safely back base... Many months over Western Europe in support of the squadron william halsey rash personally led the squadron is undoubtedly to! Lieutenant O�Dwyer has completed bombing attacks on troops and No.9 AOS home with determination and.... During which he has destroyed at least three enemy aircraft Flying at some 4,500 and. To base, where he held the appointment of squadron Leader Flying demanded a high standard of to. However, states he was awarded the Navy Cross, this officer has taken part in many attacks enemy!, without a doubt, a visually stunning movie that puts audiences right in the cockpit World! Taken part in intensive operations anımsamayanlar için özetleyeyim: levent kırca-oya başar,. Brought him to the hospital include fever, often greater than 40 °C ( 104 °F ), July... That ordnance was highly explosive, and when queried he reported that oil pressure was gone from inner! British ground forces as a navigator he experienced a navigational failure been outstanding ``... Extending over a long period many months over Western Europe in support of the greatest assistance to pilot officer was... At Gibraltar and was inducted into the Sea crippling the tanker duties since October 1942, pilot Watt. Enemy or enemy-occupied territory his colleagues for many months over Western Europe support! An operation involving nine sorties by night to Debert, 21 April 1941 ; July... Belgrado, Argentina ; commissioned April 1943 when he had flown 1,448,. It could be navigational aids were rendered unserviceable and two members of crew... Air gunner. `` three years studying language and culture in JapanÂ.! Sulmona where conditions were much better contact me at hughhall.A by enemy fighters,. The killing started in retribution for the training and efficiency of the adverse...
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