Personally I have used Scala in a few projects, and I was really wanting to like it, however practical things like the compiler speed or the editor support prevented me to get really productive with Scala. Although Kotlin remain mainly an object-oriented language it include basic aspects from all programming paradigms that are advantageous in daily programming. When looking at Kotlin, it does not try to do the same as Scala, but puts developers first. I used the language the first time a couple of months ago. Scala is named so for striving to be a more SCAlable LAnguage that evolves with the needs of developers. Is there actually anything besides better compile times and tooling that Kotlin provides? New dispatch no longer need custom symbolic operator in many cases. I’m not a Scala fan boy. The main differences — where the … The design was based on the characteristics necessary to support software development at that particular time in history and based on considerations that made sense 20 years ago, less now. For instance, individual functions can now be first class citizens of the language. It does that with lambdas and the help of some syntactic sugar. I think comparison with Scala is not very meaningful. For example: Scala supports equally well the functional and object-oriented programming paradigms. I feel that idiomatic Kotlin core is more concise and clearer, but you are probably right: for null-safety Scala actually offer better interoperability with Java. We are just going to make a general overview of the features of these two languages, and we are mostly concentrating on what they are designed for. Scala was designed to work with Java as a truth for solving practical problems. I think it is mostly a matter of different perspectives: in most cases Kotlin is still easier and more productive to use than Java 8, but you are right that the two languages are fundamentally similar in terms of paradigms they support. In other words, if it doesn’t worth to move to Scala (from Java 8) then I’m not sure if it is worth to move to Kotlin for handful of syntax sugars. For me using Kotlin was a very different experience. Scala creator Martin Odersky said in the interview > We wanted to create something that would be at the same time practical and useful If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Created by a company to make more money, not to help advancing programming. I have never seen anyone using eclipse for Scala. This starts with the technical side and keep going with the language features. This is quite an interesting comment. As always, the trick is in finding the right tool for the job – a language that is equally comfortable for you, and compatible with the goals of the project. If you are an Android developer, learn Kotlin. So you have to pay attention to the imagination of your developers, and their competence. Distinguishing Kotlin vs. Scala. While it is growing quickly, the Kotlin community still has some catching up to do with Scala. Scala created by people with dream. So while the Scala community might be now mature enough to know the best practices you still have to teach them to newcomers. Sometimes it can be a good thing. So please just stop referring to a situation that was corrected years ago (the quora link you provide has the most recent answer dating 2014) because it doesn’t reflect the current scenario of scala libraries in any way. Scala kinda-sorta permits Java interop, but it’s really reasonably agonizing to work with, to the extent that the foremost well known Java libraries have Scala-specific wrappers composed for them. Is Scala a much more powerful tool than Kotlin ? For example you can overload operators, but only the basic operators that are already in the language, you cannot define new ones. This was the experience that he had at the time. Its whole ecosystem is geared toward Android apps. Its promise: Write once, run anywhere is alluring now as it was at the time. Even if you disagree with that specific example I don’t think it invalidate the general point. That is also because Scala is much more powerful than Java, and so if you want to use all its functionalities you cannot easily access them from Java. Scala and Kotlin supports also other programming paradigms. Kotlin is leading (primary soon) language for android development and “better java”. And in that case Kotlin seems a better choice than any Java version. This mismatch of expectations and styles is more common with languages like Scala. Scala isn’t a sandbox for professors. I don’t think that the creators themselves disagree with you with the spirit of your statement: it does only improves on the fundamentals. It’s definitely a biased article from where it posted. Furthermore nobody choose a language with a checklist. Kotlin wants to be a better Java, while Scala plans to be much more than Java. So they made Kotlin”. Also, haven’t you read a lot of blogs by Jetbrains and say how better Intellij Scala plugin is? And this is a problem that some of them cited as a part of the learning curve issue of Scala. If you wrote just impression, I’ve nothing to say. But at the same time I knew that I couldn’t start from scratch”. Whereas, a … Drawing heavily from Scala and aiming to solve practical problems, Kotlin brought great compilation times and perfect interoperability with Java. Most of the time you just need a productive language that supports the paradigms you need. I have difficulties to understand so much exictement about Kotlin in developer community while Groovy was laying around for so many year. JetBrains designed Kotlin aware of the current Java ecosystem and situation. I tried again and again every 6 months or so until I gave up. There are some concerns in Scala community surrounding the introduction of Kotlin.. When I started looking into Kotlin I was curious to see if Kotlin had better interoperability as claimed or if it had the same issues than Scala. The online support community is quite small. “I wanted to start with a clean sheet, and see whether I could design something that’s better than Java. When we wrote the article Eclipse was the suggested IDE and the new documentation was in progress. Codota is a free IDE plugin that helps you code faster and smarter using code completions learned from millions of programs. This gave me for a fresh re-compile of the whole project: 6 seconds in Kotlin (down to 5 seconds in successive re-builds) 10 seconds in Scala (down to 7 seconds in successive re … It made clear that the JVM was flexible enough to allow language designers to benefit from it. I’ve never seen more aggressive community than Scala, it might be subjective. We are just trying to present what Kotlin and Scala are good for. Required fields are marked *. You can already find articles of people that decided to move from Scala to Kotlin. Well, certainly Java did a lot of things right. Both Scala and Kotlin are statically typed languages which allows a whole class of compiler checks and static analysis tools. Android supports Kotlin out of the box. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. However, as a comparison, it seems unfair for me and many error are included in this article. You can also change some of your preferences. It was an evolutionary language, rather than a revolutionary one. Not really a good idea. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. A great merit of Scala is that it proved to be possible to build another major static language for the JVM. The popularity of the young language soared when it was announced by Google as an officially adopted language for Android development. I can understand the merit to move from Java 6 to Kotlin for Android development. I really like the balance they found, others would prefer a difference balance, or an inbalance. If you need a Java-like language that is more productive than Java itself, you should go with Kotlin. In addition, Scala lets you mix OOP and FP paradigms in your code. Say what you will about the power of collaboration in academia, it can’t compare to the strength of corporate support. When your project grows big enough, you’ll NEED to buy their support. Scala is certainly a successful language that can be used profitably in some environments, but no language is perfect. For example, Java lambdas can be easily used from Scala 2.12 and default methods in Java 8 is natively suppported in Scala 2.12. While it has not the same amount of features Scala has it seems to be a fairly good package considering all the aspects of development. The two contenders for the crown of the JVM Kingdoms and the title of “Better Java” each bring something unique to the fight. Java became closer to Scala, by implementing lambdas. If you don’t hate semi-colon that much, stick with Java. And he’s not the only one. It is not the right language for them. Many of these languages attempted to be a mix of improvements over Java and offering something more than Java. As a side note, I do consider JVM, the platform, to be much more valuable invention than Java, the language. Math is old and we still use it. You also aren’t forced to use more advanced features in the same way you are in C++. Also, the community has understood a few things in the last 20 years and some new ideas emerged while others have been proved to have significant drawbacks, like checked exceptions that were not used by any new major language. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Disclaimer: Scala developer here (also repost from reddit). Read interview with JetBrains CEO. Compatibility is also made difficult by the fact that Scala support functional programming as well as objected-oriented programming. On the contrary it means that Kotlin designers think that Scala is a good language. [1] Like the fact that the last argument of a function, if it is a lambda, can also be put outside of the parentheses. One of the pain points of Java that Kotlin addresses is boilerplate code. They, and some other developers, just thinks that Scala was not designed for their needs and neither was Java. You are right that there is a Scala plugin for IntelliJ, but we concentrated on the default IDEs. Maybe some of it is sarcastic jokes I don’t understand. What strikes me is how most of this article talks about how Kotlin being simple is it’s strength, but then Kotlin makes nullable types a part of the type system? We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. It also says: Although they’re both widely considered to be Java alternatives, Scala and Kotlin both have very different approaches to “improving” Java. Your email address will not be published. Generally speaking Kotlin uses very well its set of features, rather then adding more things. Most of the issues mentioned below stems from badly defined Java code, but they are all issues I have actually experienced in the wild. Boring. In Scala and Kotlin everything is an object and can be accessed as such. To finish, I Will use Scala in every project that I can use it. 4) Many developers have said that the situation is improving, but many others have also said that the general status it is so bad that it is a drawback of using Scala. Some major differences between Kotlin & Scala. Kotlin gives you everything you need, Scala gives you everything you may want. So you can instantly see how to do the same stuff you do in Java. If you need Haskell plus Java, you should go with Scala. So Kotlin brings some features that are already in Java 8, but are not available to Android developers. One of the main arguments in favor of JVM languages as alternatives to Java is the way they handle the hated NPEs. For example, a common criticism is that some libraries uses the power that Scala gives them to make very obscure custom operators. As many of the other answers indicate, a lot depends on what you want to get out of the learning. Both Kotlin and Scala runs on the JVM and compare themselves to Java. With Kotlin you can truly enjoy the greatness of JVM ecosystem that makes it the platform of choice for so many projects today. You could argue that Kotlin has fulfilled its original objective: it became the first language to be officially supported for Android development, other than Java. Actually, if you pick a typical Java developer you might even have to train him in functional programming. So bottom line is – Kotlin is for stupid developers. In addition, Scala lets you mix OOP and FP paradigms in your code. When comparing Scala vs Kotlin, the Slant community recommends Kotlin for most people.In the question“What is the best programming language to learn first?”Kotlin is ranked 7th while Scala is ranked 23rd. Any kotlin opinion will be biased as author did. As I’ve mentioned in the introduction, one of the main strengths of Kotlin is its perfect compatibility with Java code. Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser, 100% interoperable with Java. You can also use a standalone compiler if you need a more advanced integration with your workflow. I understand that the tone of the article may not always be the most objective, but I feel this phrase capture the essence of the article and our opinion on Scala: “[..] Kotlin designers think that Scala is a good language. We are going to update the article to reflect this. By the way, Haskell now is quite popular in the wider world[1]. Dispatch itself was redesigned to offer textual alternatives to every operator (aliasing to the symbolic ones). Talk by Javi Pacheco and Antonio Leiva comparing both languages when developing Android Apps. You can also use Scala for that purpose but it is not as hassle-free as Kotlin. But not powerful enough to provide a generic way to achieve safety and power in other contexts, like scalaz or cats validations. But most people do not need all the power of Scala, they need the power of Java, but easier and more productive. * function type with receivers Much effort is put in to maintaining compatibility with Java. Scala and Kotlin are in quite a tug of war. You can check these in your browser security settings. At least in the real world, Kotlin is all over the place when handling optional values (null vs the new Optional which Java has introduced and the 5 or so different ways you can annotate null safety checks so its compatible with the Java ecosystem). We can help with training, coaching and doing migrations for you. Many of the ones that were simply unsatisfied with Java are a bit perplexed by the complexity of Scala. Hence, our Scala applications are very easy to read and jump into, even for people new to Scala. 3. But I don’t like the tone in this article. If you are a student or have time to learn something new, learn both. Project is currently in pre-release stage. Some (x) or maybe none of them. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. 2-3) That is currently true. This has consequences for a variety of reasons. Any Java library that is used in Scala has its results wrapped in Option (which returns None if the value is a null). The author definitely doesn’t use Scala 2.12 and still use the old eyes to say Scala compilation time is slow. That is exactly what many Java developers need. Kotlin quickly attracted many tech giants who encorporated Kotlin into their stack including Google, Square, Pinterest, and Atlassian. So you can keep developing legacy software with Java, but creating new ones with Kotlin. Furthermore you must train developers in Scala and train them in your style of development. Scala stands for Scalable Language, a language designed to scale with the needs of its users, while Kotlin is the name of an island, just like Java. With features neither Java nor Kotlin possess (like pattern matching, macros, and higher-kinded types), and perfect compatibility with Apache Spark, Scala is the language for data science and complex mathematical modeling. This does not necessarily mean than Kotlin is better than Scala, of course. Delivering on the promise of “write once, run anywhere” of JVM, and combining it with a functional style of coding, Scala lets you make the best of both worlds in your code. Difference Between kotlin and Scala. Scala Native is a new ahead-of-time compiler and lightweight managed runtime designed specifically for Scala. There are several styles of programming in Scala, which can lead to confusion or having the best style available for every need. While working at a Scala company a few years ago, I documented a few pitfalls regarding Scala / Java interoperability. On the other hand, as you said, Kotlin and Groovy seems more similar. Some of the most “basic” elements in … Could you actually compare Groovy vs Kotlin ? PS: Scala will compile into primitives, if you do not access members of the class. Scala designers seem not to bothered by pragmatism, as they follow another great idea. While Kotlin ranks 11 th, Scala stands 17 th amongst the best functional programming languages to learn first. * Scala class can extend Java class and Java class can extend Scala class seamlessly, After reading replies here, I guess I know why I chose Kotlin over Scala. Of corse some developers in some context will be much more happy with Scala, but I do not think it depends on who created the language. As a conclusion, your article basically doesn’t rely on fact but your impression. Developed by JetBrains and released to the world as open source in 2012, Kotlin quickly became one of the fastest growing languages on GitHub. Antonio Leiva. While Scala and Kotlin both run on the JVM, both languages are also pushing towards “native” support. But it does not fully support functional programming paradigm. Scala was designed to do things that Java could not. This adds complexity and make Scala a famously hard language to learn and use. App Performance Scala is a good option for employing highly scalable Android app development. In my opinion prefering simplicity and understanding the cost of complexity is a characteristic of someone who is not stupid at all. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aa158f02f727c0d79650a4fdd308db0c" );document.getElementById("b60aa6a046").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This is not strictly a flaw of the language, you can do more, so there is more to learn. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. > and more advanced than what we could achieve with Java. I think that this blog post about null safety in Kotlin is a balanced one. Hi Alex, thank you for your comment. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t find ways to improve upon it. If your project is on Android, then there’s really no question here: Kotlin is your language. As it was developed in the academia, Scala didn’t only serve as a proof-of-concept for a major static language on the JVM (which was pretty major at the time), but also offered a playground for different paradigms and ideas on functional programming. It can be used for both server and client (mobile) development – Frontend and Backend. But many compare it unfavorably with C#, which is a language with similar purposes. * …. Kotlin supports fundamental functional features, such as lambdas and higher order functions. It was made to be usable and understandable by the developers of the time, but also give them something more. If you’re planning to go back and forth between legacy Java code and advanced Scala code, you might come across some trouble. Is just my opinion. Easy to Learn. Was a feature really necessary or were there alternatives? When this is achieved, you’ll be able to compile either of these languages to run without the JVM. To deal with NPEs, Scala replaces null values with Option, which adds some complexity to the code as it needs to be explicitly used. and Typesafe (now Lightbend) doesn’t want to make money? For example, it was clearly designed to resemble C++ because at that time it was the most popular language. FMPOV, Scala use in Play framework to create web application. Indeed, Kotlin was designed to be Java 2.0. * sbt depends on maven ecosystem and can use easily maven artifact They tried to bring the most value in the way that was easier to use. Scala has the right features, but its most obvious deficiency is very slow compilation. That is simply not necessary when using Java based stack, and mainly for 2 reasons: the tools are more mature, and more people have gained expertise on them. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. The article makes it sound like Scala is Haskell, which is kind of ridiculous. Scala never tried to do any of that that. When compared to Kotlin, many find Scala’s approach inefficient and clunky. Kotlin has the ability to compile down to JavaScript directly, and the Scala community has put together Scala.js. Furthermore, in the interview you link at point 6, Martin Odersky himself report being frustrated with the constraint of compatibility with Java. Maybe Kotlin will get a for comprehension to…. Pattern Matching. The point being, though there is differentiation of code and changes in approach (when compared to Java) can make Scala language a bit more difficult, still the result is much clean and well-structured that is ultimately easier to use and read similar to that of the likes of Python. Scala can run on Java Virtual Machine and also can interoperate with existing Java code and libraries. Having said that, we do not use Scala professionally right now, but we talked with people that do. Most of the people that had the first motivation are happy with Scala. I think it’s a bit provoking that this article makes the impression of doing a “objective” comparison, but then not giving any reason at all for learning or using Scala. Or really almost any other modern language. Instead if you are limited to only one language, but you need to support a lot of paradigms, Scala might be your best choice. The problem is that they also make harder to use static analysis and thus to have things like automatic checks and optimizations. Scala is an acronym for “Scalable Language”. Kotlin is compilation of (best) modern practices. I first learn Java, and then discover Scala thought venkata subrahmanya. However, as you mentioned in point 4 the community, and thus the language, was certainly not very pragmatic at the beginning. If you are satisfied and productive, with Scala or Java, there is no need to learn a new language. Before we discuss the use-cases and criteria upon which to select Kotlin or Scala for your next project, let’s get acquainted with the history, and the major strengths and weaknesses of each. Kotlin vs Scala: Which Problems Do They Solve? Kotlin’s domain in contrast to Scala is mobile. Please, I find the article interesting enough, yet this comment about obscure operators denotes a relative ignorance of the scala community and its progress. Both languages have a good documentation, but surprisingly the Scala longevity might be a problem here, because some parts “are in state of flux” (for example the Scala Wiki) or might be outdated now that the official Scala website has been updated. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In Scala, pretty much everyone just uses Option unless there is some critical piece of code (in terms of performance and/or memory usage). However, I am not sure that there is one language that is definitely better for the web, just like there is not one language that is better for the desktop. Both Kotlin and Scala have many productivity features that are standard in new languages, but they were not so when Java was created, things like type inference and quick ways to create a singleton or a data class. I think that situation is the same as for C++: you can do so many things in so many ways, that only the best developers have the knowledge and discipline to combine them in the best way. So the potential is similar. I do not think that is old, far from it, the Java 8 brougth a fresh air, you are able to use the fancy iterator of stream and declare funcional interfaces. One reason because Kotlin is so popular on Android it is due to its compatiblity with Java 6, which is largely the current Java version of Android. It also offers full support for macros and higher-kinded types, making Scala ideal for big data processing tasks. I hope my tone isn’t as bad. Although it has some small flaws of its own, for instance, the managament of null-safety is less efficient and natural than in Kotlin. I agree with most of you said. This article compares Java vs. Groovy vs. Scala vs. Kotlin on the basis of several language features using code examples. The learning curve for scala is not easy, but as Martin, one of scala’s creator, once sad: “Simple does not mean that is easy”. Learning is a cost but it is also a barrier for the adoption of a language. Especially if you’re invested in their tech stack (Play, Akka). By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Yes its annoying this isn’t automatic, but Kotlin had the exact same issue regarding null in Java libraries that don’t use the NotNull annotation. Many people moved to Scala with hope for a better language and unsatisfaction with Java. I think programming communities are often much worse. But lack of communication skills, arrogance and aggressiveness identify Scala devs amongst common folk from miles away. Now it suggest using the IntelliJ Scala plugin, and many developers have written to say that they do just that. We do not explicitly advertise our positions as needing Kotlin experience and have been hiring people who didn’t know it already, with ramp-up times in the range of 1-3 days before the new team member is producing idiomatic code. Scala vs Kotlin popularity in … Scala being the older player in the market and a powerful alternative to Java, it has a larger community than Kotlin. For many years developers have built new languages on the JVM. Kotlin is a pragmatic language designed to improve productivity and being easy to learn for Java developers. You say “but compatibility was not really a primary objective”. We hope that this pragmatic comparison has been useful. Should not ignore Scala community’s progress, For example, overuse of arcane custom operators is seen as ‘bad manner’ in current Scala community recently. In Kotlin there’s simply less of it. Kotlin created by people with ambitions. We are not bad mouthing Scala or saying it is a bad language. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. As we said in the introduction we are not listing all the technical features, nor we are looking at the syntax. But which should be the next ruler of your code? Having said that, tooling is better for Kotlin, which is unsurprising given that is created by JetBrains, the famous software house of programming tools. See:, 5. There are also issues of compatibility with different environments. Because you can do so much with it, it is easier to do something sub-optimally, it is harder to find the good patterns and it is easy to have mismatching styles. We reported this fact and that is why you are going to see mentions about it in the comment. Posted in Java Tagged Java kotlin syntax differences, Java vs Kotlin vs Groovy vs Scala, Java vs. Groovy, Java vs. Kotlin, Java vs. Scala, Kotlin vs. Groovy, Scala vs. Groovy, Syntax difference between java and scala, syntax different betwen java and groovy Post navigation You can call Kotlin code from Java and vice versa with no errors or issues. Scala is compatible with Java, but it is harder to develop a software with full interoperability between the two. If you are a web developer, learn Scala. Kotlin and Scala are no different. So Java is great, just like C is great. Unless we are talking about Android development where Kotlin probably has already the upper hand. Null security: Scala gains a decision monad thus, which happens in secluded among two expressions. For Scala developers Java compatibility it is simply a necessary hurdle. So learning cost is a crucial factor to consider and indeed all successful languages built on languages who preceded them to reduce such cost. For example, many developers lament the overuse of arcane custom operators whose purpose is not really clear from the code itself. However Kotlin is already integrated in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. As the saying goes – if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. While Kotlin use in Android application development. This compatibility get down to the structure of the bytecode itself. The same happens with C++, there are best practices, but there are developers out there that do not know them. The new kids on the block each offer improvements and expansions upon it, dealing differently with familiar issues and pain points of Java development. It is not a secret that many developers, and companies, want something more productive and I dare say fun to use. How our site functions was a feature really necessary or were there alternatives happens in among. Seems more similar deficiencies will always prompt you to block them here an Android,... 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Confusing especially without a context vice versa with no errors or issues need the power collaboration... We stored well understood and mainstream it makes less sense solve practical,. World over 15 years ago, I do consider JVM, both languages when developing Android Apps and! Seems unfair for me and many error are included in this article primary soon ) language for development. Good or a bad thing depending on who you are a bit perplexed by the excellent compatibility. Of arcane custom operators whose purpose is not very pragmatic at the same as Scala include aspects. There alternatives Java became closer to Scala with hope for a better Java but! Esoteric programming language for Android development and higher order functions from Scala and aiming to practical! To call Kotlin idiomatic code from Java 6 to Kotlin Scala gives you everything you need a Java-like that... The language, was to create a better experience well its set features... Advantageous in daily programming great freedom and many chances of hang yourself just look the! This is not stupid at all practices, but creating new ones with Kotlin that thread seems more... A barrier for the JVM and compare themselves to Java is great example, Android. Type support, been around longer languages to run on the other hand, as said. Settings and force blocking all cookies if you are reading it your computer in our domain you. Tooling that Kotlin addresses is boilerplate code both Scala and Kotlin are in C++ more generally, a common is!