An independent member shall give the Speaker notice of his or her intention to participate in the debate. . The time available shall be apportioned equally among the recognized Parties in the House. The adjourned debate shall be carried on the, (e) If a recorded vote is requested, the division bells shall be limited to, (g) No introduction of a single bill shall last more than. 125. submitted to them, and whether, presuming the allegations contained in the preamble to be proven to the satisfaction of the House, it is reasonable for the bill or the part thereof to pass and what, if any, alterations are necessary. When a bill is referred to a Standing or Select Committee after second reading, it shall not be considered in Committee until at least the 5thcalendar day after the referral, unless a waiver of this interval has been granted on the request of the minister or parliamentary assistant; but no such waiver shall be granted if 12 members register their objection by standing in their places. A Sub-committee member may choose to defer the consideration of one or more of the intended appointees that the member has chosen until a future meeting of the Committee at which intended appointees are to be reviewed so long as the consideration of the intended appointee has not previously been deferred. It is the duty of the permanent officers of the House to complete the work remaining at the close of the Session. 118. (d) Any member appointed to a Standing or Select Committee may, at any time afterwards, be discharged by Order of the House from attending the Committee and another member appointed. (“jour de session”), “Substantive motion” means a motion that is not incidental or supplementary to any other business of the House, but is a self-contained proposal capable of expressing a decision of the House. (b) If 12 members stand in their places when the Speaker puts the question on the motion for adoption of a report on a government bill, 30 minutes shall be allotted to an immediate report-stage debate on the motion. If a quorum is not present after the expiration of 5 minutes, the Speaker shall adjourn the House without question put until the next Sessional day. 112. (d) At any time during a debate governed by this Standing Order, a member then speaking may divide his or her time among a member or members of his or her Party. 26(1) 6. If a motion for closure is resolved in the affirmative, the original question shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate. Following the election of a Chair and Vice-Chair at its first meeting in each Parliament, a Standing Committee shall appoint a Sub-committee on Committee Business, consisting of the Chair of the Standing Committee as Chair and one member from each of the recognized Parties on the Committee, to meet from time to time at the call of the Chair or at the request of any member thereof and to report to the Committee on the business of the Committee. of the members of the Committee, excluding the Chair. (b) The order for consideration of the items of business shall be determined by a ballot conducted by the Clerk of the House prior to or at the commencement of each Session. (a) Reports, returns and other documents required to be laid before the House by any Act of the Assembly or under any Standing Order or resolution of the House, or that any minister wishes to present to the House, may be deposited with the Clerk of the House, whether or not on a Sessional day, and such report, return or other document shall be deemed for all purposes to have been presented to or laid before the House. 67. (a) 1 item of Private Members’ Public Business shall be considered at the times as set out in Standing Order 9 (a), and the time provided for each shall be allotted as follows: (i) 12 minutes for the member moving a motion; (ii) A period of 12 minutes to be allotted in rotation for a representative or representatives of each of the recognized Parties in the House. The Speaker shall decide on the case, without debate, and the decision of the Speaker shall be final. (c) The Speaker may rule on a point of privilege or point of order when it is raised without allowing any discussion apart from the member raising the point. The budget shall set forth in reasonable detail estimates of proposed expenditures of Standing and Select Committees for the fiscal year. 65. 113. RULE 4 CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGES 4.1 A party intending to challenge the constitutional validity or applicability of any law, regulation or rule must give prompt notice to the Board and to the Attorneys General for Ontario and Canada in advance of the hearing. hours shall be allotted to the debate, apportioned equally among the recognized Parties, after first allotting time to the independent member(s) of the House, if any. 103. When the House is meeting in Committee of the Whole House to consider bills, the minister or parliamentary assistant in charge of a bill being considered by the Committee of the Whole House may occupy a seat in the front row of the House and may have up to. Published under the authority of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. . . The Clerk shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all the papers and records of the House, and shall have direction and control of all the officers and clerks and all other employees of the House subject to such orders as he or she may from time to time receive from the Speaker or the House. The minister may take an oral question as notice to be answered orally on a future Sessional day but where any reserved answer requires a lengthy statement, the statement shall be given under “Statements by the Ministry and Responses”. Applicants should note that consideration of applications for private bills that are received after the first day of September in any calendar year may be postponed until the first regular Session in the next following calendar year. (a) Question Period shall be limited to 60 minutes, including supplementary questions and points of order. The use of laptops, tablets and smartphones is permitted in the Chamber and committee rooms provided they are operated silently, do not impair decorum and are not used as a telephone, recording device, camera or prop. On receiving a report from the Chair and reviewing the proceedings, the Speaker shall confirm or vary any decision of the Chair. (Collect calls will be accepted.). (a) The Government House Leader may move a motion with notice providing for the allocation of time to any proceeding on a government bill or substantive government motion. 1 If an opposing party does not agree with the proposed manner of attendance, they must deliver a notice of objection (Form 1A). 69. The report of the Committee shall be deemed to be received and the Supplementary Estimates for the ministries and offices named in the report shall be deemed to be concurred in. . (b) A full Hansard service shall be provided for all Standing and Select Committees, except as may be otherwise ordered by a Committee. (c), may do so without allowing discussion from any member. . At the end of this time the Speaker shall without further debate or amendment put every question necessary to dispose of the motion. When the House is meeting in Committee of the Whole House to consider bills, the minister or parliamentary assistant in charge of a bill being considered by the Committee of the Whole House may occupy a seat in the front row of the House and may have up to 3 staff members seated in front of him or her to supply information to the minister or parliamentary assistant as required. (d) Subject to the Standing Orders and any other Order of the House, nothing prevents the Speaker or Chair of the Committee of the Whole House from recognizing an independent member to speak. Except as otherwise provided in these Standing Orders, government business will be taken up in the discretion of the Government House Leader. Each year our tribunals receive and resolve nearly 100,000 cases - providing fair, accessible dispute resolution to thousands of Ontarians. (d) In putting an oral question, no argument or opinion is to be offered nor any facts stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain the same; and in answering any such question, the member is not to debate the matter to which it refers. (a) The Chair of a Committee considering a bill shall initial each section of the bill as it is passed and sign the bill. 2 If a notice of objection is … (b) Where notice has been given and reasons filed, as provided in clause (a), following Private Members’ Public Business on any Tuesday or Wednesday, the Speaker shall call for the matter to be debated for not more than 10 minutes, 5 minutes to be allotted to the member raising the matter and 5 minutes to a minister or to a parliamentary assistant to reply if he or she so wishes. (“Feuilleton et Avis”). (a) Every Estate bill or part of a bill that contains an Estate bill provision stands referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills after first reading. (c) The Speaker shall take the chair at the time appointed on every day fixed for the meeting of the House and shall read the Prayers. The Planning Act governs land use planning and development in the province of Ontario. 23 Procedure on point of order . On September 14, 2020, the Assembly adopted provisional amendments to the Standing Orders regarding modifications to the procedure for recorded divisions which came into force that same day and are valid for the duration of the 42nd Parliament, or until such earlier date as indicated by the Government House Leader. If a quorum is not present after the expiration of. No motion, or amendment, the subject-matter of which has been decided upon, can be again proposed during the same Session. Upon completion of 6½ hours of debate, the Speaker shall deem the debate to be adjourned unless the Government House Leader directs the debate to continue. Each petitioner must print his or her name and address and sign his or her name under the text of the petition. Copies of the Standing Orders, and the guide “Procedures for Applying for Private Legislation”, may be obtained from the Legislative Assembly’s Internet site at, Time allotment for items in Private Members’ Public Business debate, 1 item of Private Members’ Public Business shall be considered at the times as set out in Standing Order 9 (a), and the time provided for each shall be allotted as follows. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. (b) If the question in clause (a) is decided in the negative, the Speaker shall then put the proposed amendment to the House and at that time, but not before, an amendment to the amendment may be offered. (d) When more than one notice has been given under this Standing Order, the Speaker shall decide the order in which the matters are to be raised, having regard to the order in which notices were given, to the urgency of the matters raised, and to the apportionment of the opportunities to debate the matters among members of the various Parties in the House. Appointment procedure for presiding officers, 6. 21 . Each member of the Sub-committee, other than the Chair, may choose one or more of the intended appointees for review from the certificates provided by the Clerk of the Committee. 48. (b) In the absence of the Clerk of the House, the Clerks Assistant shall, (g) report to the Clerk of the House any bill or part thereof that should be referred to the, or the Commissioners of Estate Bills under Standing Orders, of B.O.I.E. 8. If a recorded vote is requested by 5 members, the division bells shall be limited to 10 minutes. (i) Notwithstanding Standing Order 77(d), private members’ public bills given second reading shall stand referred to the Committee of the Whole House, unless referred to a Standing or Select Committee by a majority of the House. (g) Except as otherwise provided in the Standing Orders, the division bells shall be limited to 30 minutes. (b) The report of the Committee shall be deemed to be received and the Estimates for the ministries and offices named in the report shall be deemed to be concurred in. It shall be an instruction to the Committee of the Whole House to which bills may be committed that it has the power to make such amendments therein as it thinks fit, if they are relevant to the subject-matter of the bill, but if any such amendments are not within the title of the bill it shall amend the title accordingly and shall report the bill to the House. (a) No Standing or Select Committee shall consist of more than, members and the membership of such Committees shall be. (i) Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills to be the Committee to which all private bills, other than Estate bills or bills providing for the consolidation of a floating debt or renewal of debentures, other than local improvement debentures, of a municipal corporation, shall be referred after first reading; and to be the Committee provided for by section 33 of Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006, and having the terms of reference as set out in that section, namely: to be the Committee to which all regulations stand permanently referred; and to examine the regulations with particular reference to the scope and method of the exercise of delegated legislative power without reference to the merits of the policy or objectives to be effected by the regulations or enabling statutes, but in so doing regard shall be had to the following guidelines: (i) Regulations should not contain provisions initiating new policy, but should be confined to details to give effect to the policy established by the statute; (ii) Regulations should be in strict accord with the statute conferring of power, particularly concerning personal liberties; (iii) Regulations should be expressed in precise and unambiguous language; (iv) Regulations should not have retrospective effect unless clearly authorized by statute; (v) Regulations should not exclude the jurisdiction of the courts; (vi) Regulations should not impose a fine, imprisonment or other penalty; (vii) Regulations should not shift the onus of proof of innocence to a person accused of an offence; (viii) Regulations should not impose anything in the way of a tax (as distinct from fixing the amount of a licence fee, or the like); and. (d) Whenever the Chair of a Standing or Select Committee adjourns the Committee for want of a quorum, the Clerk of the Committee shall record the time of the adjournment and the names of the members then present in the Minutes of Proceedings. The results of the vote shall be kept in confidence by all those persons present. (“parti reconnu”), “Routine motion” means any motion, including motions under Standing Order 7, made for the purpose of fixing the days or times of the meetings or adjournments of the House, or its committees; establishing or revising the membership of committees, and the meeting schedule thereof; arranging the proceedings of the House; or any other motion relating strictly to the technical procedure of the House or its committees and the management of the business thereof. (b) The time allotted to ministerial statements shall not exceed 20 minutes without the unanimous consent of the House. in proportion to the representation of the recognized Parties in the House. (a) When time permits, amendments proposed to be moved to bills in any Committee shall be filed with the Clerk of the House at least 2 hours before the bill is to be considered, and copies of such proposed amendments shall be distributed to all recognized Parties. (g) No debate shall be allowed on the presentation of a petition. The Committee by unanimous agreement may extend any of the deadlines in paragraph 10. Under the proceeding “Motions”, the Government House Leader may move routine motions as set out in the definition thereof in Standing Order. , these routine motions do not require notice. A minister of the Crown shall lay on the Table a certificate stating that the Lieutenant Governor in Council intends to appoint a person to an agency, board or commission or to the board of directors of a corporation, together with a copy of the position description and a summary of the person’s qualifications, which documents shall be deemed to be referred to the Committee. [suspended for the duration of the 42nd Parliament]. . 134. Such study in the Committee shall not take precedence over consideration of a government public bill. calendar days. Room 1405, Whitney Block At the commencement of every Parliament, or from time to time as may be required, each Standing Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair. (l) The election of Speaker shall take precedence over all other business and no motion for adjournment nor any other motion shall be accepted while it is proceeding and the House shall continue to meet if necessary beyond its ordinary daily time of adjournment, notwithstanding any Standing or Special Order, until a Speaker is declared elected, provided that if the House has continued to meet beyond its ordinary daily time of adjournment, the Speaker shall thereupon adjourn the House until the next Sessional day. (v) state that any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions for or against the application when it is considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify the Clerk of the House in writing. (b) 2 hours, apportioned equally among the recognized Parties, shall be allotted to debate on the Interim Supply motion, at the end of which time the Speaker shall without further debate or amendment put all questions necessary to dispose of the motion. If on the Speaker’s count a quorum is present, the House shall again resolve itself into a Committee, otherwise the Speaker shall adjourn the House until the next Sessional day. If a recorded vote is requested, the division bells shall be limited to 10 minutes. (b) If such a motion is carried, further proceedings of a Committee of the Whole House on the matter or bill then under consideration shall be superseded; but the matter or bill may, on motion with notice, be revived and the proceedings shall be resumed at the point where they were interrupted. (c) In all contingencies not provided for in the Standing Orders the question shall be decided by the Speaker or Chair and, in making the ruling, the Speaker or Chair shall base the decision on the democratic rights of members referred to in clause (b). 104. 18. (b) If at any time after Prayers the Speaker’s attention is directed to the apparent lack of a quorum, the Speaker shall, upon determining that a quorum is not present, cause the bells to be rung until a quorum is present and, in any case, for no longer than, minutes. hours before the bill is to be considered, and copies of such proposed amendments shall be distributed to all recognized Parties. 78. Not more than one stage per day if opposed by 12 members. The Frequently Asked Questions About Proceedingsis intended to assist individuals and parties involved in proceedings before the Ontario Securities Commission tribunal by answering frequently asked questions and providing a general overview of procedures that can be expected in tribunal proceedings in a user-friendly format. M7A 1A2, Telephone: (416) 325-3500 6. (c) No more than 3 such matters of which notice has been given and reasons filed shall be debated on any single Sessional day. (m) Introduces any matter in debate that in the opinion of the Speaker offends the practices and precedents of the House. in Committee if same policy field being considered in House, (b) The Committee shall consider the Supplementary Estimates of the ministries and offices selected within the time allocated pursuant to Standing Order 6. for the consideration of the main Estimates. Only one report-stage debate may be requested on any single Sessional day. Legislation. If at 10:15 a.m. on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday the division bells are ringing for a vote on a motion to adjourn the debate, the Speaker shall interrupt the bell, deem the debate to be adjourned and call the next proceeding pursuant to Standing Order, hours of debate, apportioned equally among the recognized Parties, shall be allotted to debate on the motion, at the end of which time the Speaker shall without further debate or amendment put every question necessary to dispose of the motion. The Chair of a Standing or Select Committee shall not vote except in the case of a tie, when the Chair shall give a casting vote. (a) Questions seeking information from the Ministry relating to the public affairs of the Province may be placed by notice on the, (d) The minister shall answer such written questions within 24 Sessional days, unless he or she indicates that more time is required because the answer will be costly or time consuming or that he or she declines to answer, in which case a notation shall be made on the. Such vote may not be deferred. . Notice of Committee hearings regarding private bills, 94. Unless expressly provided by the Standing Orders or by unanimous consent, no member shall speak for more than 20 minutes at a time in any Standing or Select Committee. to submit motions, resolutions and bills for the consideration of the Assembly and its Committees, and to have them determined by democratic vote; to debate, speak to, and vote on motions, resolutions and bills; to hold the government accountable for its policies; and. His or her name shall be removed from the bill entry on the Orders and Notices Paper, and shall be removed from the face of the bill at any subsequent re-printing of the bill. Upon notice from the Clerk of the Committee that an intended appointee has been selected for review, the minister shall ensure that the Committee receives a copy of the intended appointee’s résumé or biographical information and a description of the responsibilities of the position. The Ayes shall be recorded in the East Members’ lobby and the Nays shall be recorded in the West Members’ lobby. 49. 99 Wellesley Street West In the case of any division under this Standing Order, the division bell shall be limited to 10 minutes. , I found this page helpful. (e) At any time prior to the commencement of an evening meeting scheduled pursuant to this Standing Order, the Government House Leader may indicate to the House that the evening meeting is no longer required, and it shall thereupon be cancelled. (a) A motion that the Chair of a Committee of the Whole House leave the chair is always in order and shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate. 11. British Columbia Hansard 1970-Current Sessional Clippings 1891-1972. 5. (a) The Speaker shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of privilege and points of order. (f) The Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and declare the debate concluded, (i) At 6:00 p.m. for a debate that takes place pursuant to clause (c)(i), or. The Speaker shall then defer the taking of the vote to the next Sessional day during the proceeding “Deferred Votes”, at which time the bells shall be rung for 5 minutes. (a) A motion for Interim Supply requires notice and shall be for a period not exceeding 6 months. (d) In the opinion of the Speaker, refers at length to debates of the current Session, or reads unnecessarily from verbatim reports of the Legislative Debates or any other document. The reasons for convening such a meeting shall be stated in the request. [suspended for the duration of the 42nd Parliament, or until such earlier date as indicated by the Government House Leader]. (i) At any time after the result of the first ballot is declared, but before the commencement of a second or subsequent ballot, a candidate may withdraw his or her name from the election, which shall then proceed as if such member had not been nominated. In reviewing an intended appointee, the Committee shall not call as a witness any person other than the intended appointee. 12. (f) To be considered in private members’ time, the Order for second reading, or notice of a motion, must appear on the Orders and Notices Paper 2 weeks in advance of the date that is determined by the ballot conducted under clause (b). An independent member shall give the Speaker notice of his or her intention to participate in the debate. (d) The bill and report shall stand referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Procedures for Applying for Private Legislation (pdf), Ontario Legislature Internship Programme (OLIP), Opposition Day debates and want of confidence motions, Eligibility requirements and selection criteria, Model Parliament for High School Students, Past Winners - Speaker's Award for Youth Writers, Early postcards of the Legislative Building, Art à la Carte - Celebrating Ontario Artists. (h) No amendment may be made to a motion under this Standing Order. (c) If such a motion is defeated, no other such motion shall be made unless some intermediate proceeding has taken place. (iii) a declaration proving publication of the notices referred to in clause (e). (i) to submit motions, resolutions and bills for the consideration of the Assembly and its Committees, and to have them determined by democratic vote; (ii) to debate, speak to, and vote on motions, resolutions and bills; (iii) to hold the government accountable for its policies; and. The text of the amendments to the Rules can be found at O. Reg. 76. Any member of the House who is not a member of a Standing or Select Committee may, unless the House or the Committee concerned otherwise orders, take part in the public proceedings of the Committee, but may not vote or move any motion, nor be part of any quorum. For greater certainty, the proceedings of the Board of Internal Economy are proceedings in Parliament. 17. year or less, according to the following procedures: 8. In exercising his or her discretion, the Speaker shall have regard to the opportunities that members of recognized Parties have to participate in debate on other members’ motions. 80. 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